Mr. MAJ James Holloway
Mr. Sergeant Major Walter
I am retired from the Active Duty Military (US Army) after serving 27 years and have held many leadership positions while serving in the Military.
I've been a staff member at Beddingfield High School since March 2010. I enjoy teaching and exploring the subject area by using class discussions and real life experience.
M.A., Christian Studies/Pastorate, Grand Canyon University, Phoenix, AR 2014
M.A., Human Resource Development, Webster University, Ft Bliss TX 2002
B.S., Criminal Justice, Fayetteville State University, Fayetteville, NC 2000
Beddingfield HS JROTC (2010-Present)
Teacher Goldsboro, North Carolina, Wayne Community College (2009-2010)
Teacher Bagram, Afghanistan, Central Texas College (2007-2009)
Teacher Ujonbu, Korea, Central Texas College (2004-2007)